
Susan - week 1

Week 1 went pretty good. I wrote down everything I ate Tuesday - Friday. Didn't go over on calories at all. I exercised every day. The weekend was not so good though. I didn't write down anything I ate, so I cheated myself because I know I went over both days! Went to Buffalo Wild Wings on Saturday for lunch and thought I'd be healthy and ordered a wrap with grilled chicken - there was so much sour cream on it though that it wasn't healthy (or low calorie) AT ALL. Did order water though and still only had one can each day.
My goals for week 2 are pretty much the same.
Write down everything I eat and count calories
Stay at or under 2100 calories a day
Start doing 20 minutes of cardio a day - even on the weekend
Substitute fruit and veggies while snacking.
I've changed my goal of not losing weight while breastfeeding to SLOWLY losing weight. Otherwise I feel like I'm doing all this work without seeing any benefits, and that will get me down about it and I'll quit.

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