
Karen - Monday

I just finished exercising: 26 minutes; 2.9 miles; 200 calories

I've gone 2 WEEKS without pop!! I'm very excited about that!

I've gone 2 weeks not eating at McDonalds for breakfast!!

And last week I exercised 4/7 days. Did not reach my goal...but I feel good about it.

My goal for this week is to add fiber. I read we should have 25+ grams of fiber a day. So my goal is 25 a day. Boy...I think this is going to be hard. I did buy some "Benefiber" to help me get enough...I'm going to start adding a little to my food. Ultimately I'd like to reach the 25 grams without any help from a supplement.

Thanks for encouraging me and keeping me accountable Susan:)

1 comment:

The Brookharts said...

Yeah, I use my machlink address and password. I'm don't remember how because it was so long ago that I did it (with my other blog). Hope you figure it out soon :)