
Sara - Monday

Oh, the wonderful scale! Saturday, I went to Curves and weighed myself on their scale and was down 3 1/2 pounds from last week. Yesterday at weigh-in for The Biggest Loser I was only down a pound. Why does my weight seem to fluctuate so much and why is it always the smallest number on weigh-in day? I was discouraged. Last night I did relax a little at a Super Bowl party and had a little of the REALLY GOOD food that was there. I didn't overdue it. I know I went over my calories for the day though. Today I started using my-calorie-counter.com. You enter each of your meals and snacks and it records the calories, fat, protein, sodium etc. for you. It won't total each column unless you pay for it each month. It is kind of fun to use. I'm trying to stay focused and remember to take it one day at a time.

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