
I'm Discouraged

Ok...so I'm really discouraged this week. My entire family has been sick so I'm hoping that that is the reason I'm not motivated. No pop for almost 5 weeks. Did you know that caffeine attaches itself to fat cells and makes them harder to burn? Ok...so I heard that through the grapevine and can't guarantee that. Anyway...I suck. I'm really going to try harder.


Eric and Pam said...
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Eric and Pam said...

Oh, and I was going to say something encouraging but it ended up being about me. Sorry. :)

Good job with the no pop! AWESOME!

PS: You looked thinner at AWANA's the other night. Just an FYI.

The Brookharts said...

Thanks for trying to encourage me but I'm trying to lose weight and gaining. This sucks!