

Is that a word? Anyway, I hope it conveys my frustration with myself. I have been drinking my water and not eating out for supper (or lunch for that matter), which is good, but I have not exercised since last Thursday. It is just the last thing I want to do, and the last thing on my mind. I just feel like I have so much else on my plate that is 'more important' that I don't make time or muster up enough energy to just do it. I am down about three pounds from last week, which is encouraging, but I know it won't last long if I don't keep exercising. It has always been a struggle for me. I like to walk and exercise and feel so much better after doing it, it is just hard to do when there is so much else going on. I guess the good thing is that there's always tomorrow to start over!


Sara said...

I know what you mean! I just literally have to force myself to do it. I do feel better afterward and am glad I did. It's just getting started.

The Brookharts said...

I'm really struggling with exercising. It sucks!