

Just finished working out. 21 minutes; 185 calories; 2.5 miles

Ate lunch at Quiznos yesterday. Ate lunch at home today (leftover spaghetti). So 1 day down and 2 to go this week.

Had Spaghetti for supper last night and a Ham in the oven for tonight.

Feel like I've broken the McDonalds-for-breakfast habit!

It has completely helped me to work out knowing that I have to come in here and blog my results every day. Ok, I'm only on day 2 this week of exercising...but I am hoping the blog continues to motivate. I am being held accountable to the whole world - or at least the 2 or 3 other people who read this blog!!

1 comment:

The Brookharts said...

I emailed you the link! Just let me know if you didn't get it! Excited to have you join...it's really been a positive thing...forcing me to be accountable and really achieve some goals.